Although I was very scared of it initially, I now love giving talks about my work for general academic audiences. Here you can find the available videos or slides for the talks I have given.
Screening mechanisms in scalar-tensor theories from a particle's perspective
University of Liverpool (Nov 2024)
University of Sheffield (Nov 2024)
CMB bounds on accreting Extended Dark Matter Objects
DMLAND, MITP, Mainz (Sep 2024)
University of Nottingham (Jun 2024)
Cosmology from home (Jun 2024) [Video]
Beyond WIMPS, Durham (Mar 2024)
How to study modified gravity as a particle theory and not collapse in the process
Perimeter Institute, Canada (Jul 2024) [Video]
IPPP, Durham (Dec 2023)
Newcastle University (Dec 2023)
COSMOS'23, IFT, Madrid (Sep 2023)
PASCOS'23, California (Jul 2023)
Cosmology from home (Jun 2023)
UKCosmo, Cambridge (May 2023) [Video]
BritGrav'23, Southampton (Apr 2023)
Addressing the Hubble tension with scalar fields
UNAM, Mexico (Apr 2024)
University of Nottingham (Dec 2022)